Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Living a Crazy Dream

So this happened...Looks like anything a typical pre-k kid would bring home from school, right? 
Yup.  'Cept this kid is not your typical four year old.  Or maybe she is. And maybe the very fact that she is so typical is making me want to yell about my joy from the roof tops.
Truth is, we have been working on auditory discrimination her whole life.  Working very hard. Most parents would see this and toss it in the trash with the other 90 million papers that they bring home every week.  But not this mama.
Riddle me this: If you were told that your kid was deaf at birth, would you ever imagine that she would be able to do this by the time she was in pre-K?  By herself? And then look at you plain as day when she gets home like you have three heads because "Of course I did it by myself. See, mom, that is an H sound."
She HEARS that HIPPO and HAMBURGER start with the same bloody sound.  Please pinch me.
And then watch this. 
A new virtual friend and her husband made this awesome film of their adorable daughter getting her CI activated (or turned on).  It usually happens about 3 weeks after the surgery and it is usually not this good on the first day.
It is good.  Beyond good.  This is why I work where I work and do what I do.
Lucy is going to be a star.
I am so happy to be living this crazy dream!