Monday, November 18, 2013

Hearing Aid Bill Vote Today!

This guest post is from the masterminds behind Let Georgia Hear-- Kelly Jenkins and Sara Kogan.
I am pulling for them today and the Commission (see below) is voting on HB74.  They have been tireless in their efforts and I could not be more proud of all they have done, but today will be a long day for them.  Keeping them in my thoughts.  From Kelly and Sara:

In 2011, we started Let Georgia Hear with a group of parents of children with hearing loss.  We started Let Georgia Hear because hearing aids for children are not covered in our the state of Georgia even though 20 other states have passed bills requiring coverage. Upon the formation of Let Georgia Hear, we launched a website, started an online petition, began approaching non-profits and other organizations for support and we started building relationships with legislators and influencers within our state legislature.
Since our inception, it has been a whirlwind. Let Georgia Hear has been featured in both the local and national news. At this point in time, we are at a crossroads with the legislation (House Bill 74). The Special Advisory Commission for Mandated Health Insurance will vote on our bill on November 18th. Though the Commission's position on the bill will be non-binding, it will be incredibly difficult for us to gain any traction within the legislature during the upcoming session without the Commission's support.
It has been wonderful working on Let Georgia Hear with so many talented and passionate parents and we are committed to staying the course until this bill is passed!
Kelly Jenkins and Sara Kogon, Co-founders of Let Georgia Hear

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